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Tree Maintenance

Crown Reduction

Trees with a large canopy also known as a crown can become problematic depending on location or even unsightly a crown reduction could be required. The ends of all branches are reduced, back to suitable “growth points”, which are secondary branches with the “growth point” left being no smaller than a third of the face of the wound left. This encourages healthy growth and minimises dieback. As a result the entire trees crown is reduced in size, aiming for an even shape and a healthy structure. This procedure is usually stipulated in terms of a percentage and will rarely be more than 30%. Certified arborists from Vertex Tree Surgeons ensure correct pruning cuts are used at all times promoting the health of your trees whilst creating trees that are evenly shaped and aesthetically pleasing.


Crown Lifting

Tree crown lifting involves the removal of lower branches with the end result being to evenly lift the height of the base of the crown. Crown lifting can be used to increase the clearance between the ground and the lower branches in order to allow more light to pass through or under the tree. This can be of major benefit to the surrounding environment. A professional arborist from Vertex Tree Surgeons will assess the tree and remove the lower branches leaving a natural looking evenly lifted crown.


Crown Thinning

This method involves pruning a tree’s secondary branches in an even manor, while maintaining its overall size and natural structure. Thinning reduces the density of the tree, which in effect allows more light to pass through the canopy, reduces wind resistance and sail effect of a dense canopy, reduces weight and the possibility of heavily loaded branches snapping in high winds, improves form and reduces growth rate. Thinning is the preferred method to minimize storm damage, however it should be noted that this technique does not alter the overall size. Vertex Tree Surgeons provide arborists using specialist thinning techniques providing the best care for your trees and ensuring healthy future growth.



Pollarding is generally the removal of small branches or regrowth leaving larger limbs, over time developing a pollard head or “knuckle” at the tips. Pollarding can be an effective way of preserving trees that haven’t necessarily been planted in the correct place or trees that are struggling to support themselves due to age or decay. A crown retrenchment technique could be used where a staged reduction would be conducted bi-annually bringing the canopy in each time ending in a pollard, thus causing the tree less stress as it has time to heal after each year of pruning, often seen performed on trees in city’s to stunt their growth in overcrowded areas. Vertex Tree Surgeons offer advice along with specialist arborists dealing in pollarding and street tree work.


Deadwood removal

Trees will naturally shed small dead twigs and branches which is normally nothing to be concerned about. However large quantities of deadwood can amass in a tree and this can become hazardous either by being shed or blown out in strong winds. Large dead wood should be removed when a tree is overhanging areas such as roads, Public footpaths, buildings or recreational areas. Vertex Tree Surgeons have experienced arborists that will assess the structure of the tree then perform an ariel inspection removing any dead limbs or branches that they believe could prove to be dangerous or unsightly.

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